#Activity 5

Clean Earth Initiative

Explore activity images below

Period of Activity: October 2023 to February 2024


Relevant SDGs:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being aims to promote healthy living and well-being of people of all ages.
SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation aim to ensure steady and adequate supply of water for all.
SDG 15: Life on Land aims to ensure the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services.


Subject areas covered by this Activity: Geography, Global Perspectives, National Value Education, Biology and Basic Science
Classes that participated in this Activity: Years 7-12
Number of students that participated in this Activity: 420


Teachers Responsible:
Henry Muoghara
Mrs. Blessing Ezeala


Programmes of the Activity:
• Creation of awareness on the assembly.
• Fund-Raising.
• Provision of colour-coded waste bins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
• Sanitation exercise within Agbara Estate
• Recycle plastic bottles into usable products.


Aims of Activity:
• To instill in learners the importance of environmental cleanliness
• To exemplify community service through active engagement.
• To join in the campaign for conservation of the earth’s resources.


Description of Activity:
• Selected members of Conservation Club make a presentation during a whole school assembly with a view to:
(a) sensitizing the school community on the need to imbibe a culture of proper waste disposal.
(b) Charging members of the school community as change agents to campaign and stand up against all forms of waste burning and indiscriminate waste disposal wherever they find themselves.
(c) Encouraging the habit of recycling non-biodegradable items.
• Students organize a fund-raising event for their planned outdoor sanitation exercise.
• From the funds generated were used to purchase the needed materials such as scissors, adhesives, hand-gloves, trash-bags, nose masks, hand-sanitizers etc.) needed to clean selected communities regularly.
• Students periodically cleaned selected communities to maintain good community hygiene.
• Students sort recyclable items for further use from the waste gathered.


Impact of this Activity:
• Students demonstrated environmental conservation by regularly cleaning their surroundings.
• Students exemplified sensitivity to community service through active engagement.
• Students joined in the campaign for conservation of the earth’s resources.
• Students learnt how to recycle pet bottles into usable items.


Follow-up for this Activity:
1. Recyclable wastes gathered by the sanitation exercise will be used to produce household items such as brooms, waste bins and plastic plates.
2. The exercise will now be performed once every four months.
3. Students will engage in the sensitization of environmental conservation in the community school nearby.
4. Conservation Club will collaborate with other school to perform more activities which are aimed at protecting the natural environment.

Pictures of plastic bottle recycling project and world environment day activities

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